And how to translate 'fare'
Intensive B1 English
The verbs that carry the grammar behave differently to those that bring the meaning
The rhythm of English
Hypothesising about the unreal past
Present Continuous, Present Perfect, the Imperative and present modals in the 1st conditional.
Form, construction and strategy for learning this tense
June-July 2012
Modal Will's little brother
There are facts and there is what we think about facts
Possibility in the present and future
Personal and impersonal obligation, absence of obligation, and weak obligation
Expressing willingness
The saxon half of English grammar
How we use the present to look into the future
English doesn't have a Future Tense!
Adding to 'recent past' and 'period to the present' meanings of the Present Perfect Simple
In all flavours, it means before the present and connected to it
Those little words need special treatment
The 'background' tense