A great British director in Rome
New version out now
A British journalist's view of Italy
A modern view on the bard
Over the holidays, check out the headlines from Get Some More English
Dave Eggars' wish on TED
Petty bureaucrats roundly defeated by 9-year-old girl and her blog
See where I find material for 'get some English'
An American arguing with his Australian neighbour over a security floodlight
Making information easy to read, and pretty too
The development of the signage typeface Wayfinding Sans Pro by Ralf Herrmann
David Foster Wallace's Commencement Address at Kenyon College 2005
Free university education
Deception as an art, explained using tricks with iPods
Independent English Theatre's production at the Teatro dell'Orologio
Malcolm Gladwell with a different take on 'we are what we eat'
Wired backstage at TED
A TED talk by Susan Cain
Funny video montage by Cassetteboy