Preparing for pre-intermediate
The presentation below is a brief schematic overview of the principle grammar you need to know when starting a pre-intermediate (or A2) course.
Category: Roma Tre
Tags: much and many, past simple, prepositions, present continuous, present simple, some and any, verb forms
Published: 19 Mar 2012Updated: 19 Mar 2012
Fully booked next courses available in January (request early to avoid disappointment) More courses and solutions available on request: contact me for more info
A great British director in Rome
Peter Brook is one the great theatre directors of the twentieth century. His 1970 production of A Midsummer Night's Dream made theatre history.
On Friday April 12 at 8pm the Teatro Valle Occupato is screening 'The Tightrope', a documentary about Brook by his son, Simon Brook. The film will be followed by a public debate with Peter Brook.
You can book tickets by sending an email to
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I'm an Englishman living in Rome where I teach English to Italians who need it for their work.
The lessons, articles, thoughts and advice that you can find here grew naturally from my teaching and needed a place to live.
I give my lessons in offices and homes in most areas of Rome and on the video conferencing app of your choice.
I work with Chosen Time on language games for the iPhone.
Together with my friends at Alfabeta, I'm working on a project to provide language lessons and other training on-line.
Besides my private lessons, I also teach at the CLA - Roma Tre University and for Arteventi.
more of me
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